Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Low flying heron
Heronwatch is up & running again for 2012 -  we have seen lots of action already. The herons have been mating, fishing, repairing nests and fending off angry crows! Do come along to the visitor centre and see for yourselves, the cameras are on all the time!
work at Neddy Jebb's Island
It looks muddy and bare right now, but very shortly the plants will grow again and this will be a great view again.  The water is already clear & ducks are now circumnavigating the island.(haven't seen any fish yet).

Mere to Canal

winter aconites

Snowdrops lining steps to Plantation
For a wonderful short walk, try a circular one from Castlefields car park, up the steps and directly across Sandy Lane into The Plantation (Shropshire Wildlfe Trust), follow through, along the boardwalk and turn right when you reach the canal. Follow the canal, across the brige at The Wharf and into town, then follow signposts back to The Mere/The Boathouse.
Two days ago I saw these marvelous small bright yellow flowers, which really cheered my day. I'm told they are winter aconites (did I spell that correctly?) Together with the snowdrops, it shows that spring is on its way!!! Hurrah!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


No photo here, but we have had lots of birdwatchers for the last few days. Apparently, a rare Red Necked Grebe was spotted on The Mere on Sunday afternoon. It is usually to be found in Scandinavia, but not keep your eyes peeled!
Walking is good for you & when you can see wonderfull sights like hosts of snowdrops ( & soon daffodils) its got to be worth pulling on the wellies!
Moscow Island In Ice

Winter Dawn
A couple of recent snaps taken from outside The Boathouse, makes me feel chilly just looking at them! Winter must nearly be over now though, I can feel spring in the air...the ducks are busy, the herons have returned & the snowdrops are out...come to Ellesmere & see it all!!                        
Horatio's Breakfast
The Mere has now thawed, but whilst it was frozen food was very hard to come by for grazing birds. All bar one of  the swans left ( Horatio). He has been filling up on bread from visitors to the mere...which is not good for him so Kate has given him a regular hearty breakfast to see him through the worst of the weather. Above you can see he is stood on solid ice (you can't see Kate shivering!)
launching dive boat
Falkland Islands Flag
On one of the coldest days of the year, the local diving club came along to get even colder! Lovely people, totally nuts! They generously came along to secure the floating buoys that guide the swimmers during the Ellesmere Triathlon. Flying from the dive boat is the flag of The Falklands.


Back in "days of yore" there was a man called Neddy Jebb, who had a strong horse and a large cart. One day, he was given a gruesome remove the old  bones from the local graveyard . This he did and he carried them on his cart to the edge of The Mere and tipped them in. The pile of bones made an island that was then named after him.

The above is actually based on a true story -  Neddy Jebb's Island (aka Dead Man's Island) has silted up over the years and partially re-atteached itself to the mainland, Today, it is being re-instated as an island with the help of the local angling club. Once the digging out has been completed and the muddy tracks grown over, it will be more of a haven for wildlife & will have 2 fishing pegs on the far side. Come on down and have a look.