Monday, 25 June 2012

Please help injured swan

To anyone who is going to be in Ellesmere and around the mere in the next few days, please keep an eye out for a swan tangled up in fishing line. On Sat 23rd a lady spotted a swan that was all hooked up and had line around its neck - she reported this to the visitor centre and to the RSPCA - but neither of us has been able to find the poor thing. If you spot it please call the RSPCA immediately with the details and let me know also. If it is close to the bank I may be able to catch it..otherwise a boat will be needed.
If we hurry, we may be able to save this swan.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Shropshire Triathlon


Heading out of Transition
 It's been a busy day today! dashing around Cremorne Gardens this morning, helping with the set up for the Shropshire Triathlon. Then watching the start at 11:00 a.m.. There must have been 500 - 600 people thrashing their way around the 1500 metre course in the mere..quite a sight.
Leaders rounding first Marker

Watching the "transition" stage is much time can be lost just by not being efficient in changing out of wet suits or not getting feet into cycling shoes in one swift movement.

First group preparing to start
 These guys 'n gals are very hardy sorts! Some extremely fit people were stretching or warming up in the gardens and along the prom. They have to be tough to even complete the course..let alone set a fast time.
This is an amazing event..lots of competitors and spectators..if you could find a parking space in Ellesmere today, you were lucky!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Ellesmere College Students

 Some people are quick to judge teenagers harshly and to also make comments about private school pupils. To those people, i say...think again.

I just wanted to say what a great example is set by the students from Ellesmere College, who regularly turn out to help look after the grounds of the park.
Today was wet and miserable, yet the group worked  hard, getting wet, muddy and scratched..smiling all the time.

I just wanted to say "Thank you" to you are a credit to the college.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Thousand Orchid Meadow

Orchids in Castlefields wildflower meadow

Native British Wild Orchid
Today was a beautiful day for a wander in an English wildflower meadow. There are very few of these left in the country but we are so fortunate in Ellesmere...there is one on our doorstep and it is available for anyone to walk through.
Have a look at the slope leading to the top of Castlefields and you will see that it has a  "wash" of lilac colouring above the green. Take a gentle stroll up the path and you will see that this is caused by thousands of wild orchids that are in full bloom at the moment.
The most beautiful sight I have seen in a long time.
Hurry and catch it for yourself before the flowers fade.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Herb Garden Flourishes

Head Chef Picking Herbs
The Boathouse restaurant prides itself on using fresh, locally sourced ingredients as much as possible and you can't get fresher or closer than this!
Earlier this year, a small garden area outside the kitchen window was planted with herbs for use in the daily menu. I am delighted to tell you that the herbs are growing well and each morning, Kate Taylor (head chef and manageress) can be seen picking herbs for that day.
Some herbs, including the flat parsley have been "trimmed" a little more than anticipated recently as  goslings have heads small enough to fit through the fence and have been supplementing their diet! Hopefully, they will soon grow too big.
Next time you are passing, stop and see how many you can identify (keep an eye out for goslings with their heads stuck in a fence)

And Stretch!

G O M hard at work
 At 72 years young and with his new bionic hip in place, my lovely volunteer, known to some as "grumpy old man", shows how fit he is.
We were preparing Cremorne gardens for the Shropshire Triathlon, which is happening this Sunday. evertything is in place, the athletes are ready..all we now need is your come along

Unusual Pet

Tame Polecat
I often see people walking dogs of various shapes and sizes through the park...but today I just had to stop and get my camera out.
Coming towards me was a gentleman holding a long lead attached to a  very small harness,which contained a polecat! He visits Ellesmere often and brings his unusual pet along to walk by the mere, something it was obviously enjoying.
Whilst polecats are not rare on the Welsh borders, I have only ever seen one other (and that was dead on the roadside).
There's never a dull day at The Mere!

Monday, 18 June 2012


Taken from edge of potential building land looking towards mere
Further to previous posts "Say No" and "Democracy in Action"...the situation is still unresolved. This land may still have houses built on it. A petition has been started by the Save our Mere group..if you are against having properties built so close to the mere, forms are available for signing in several shops in town..

Friday, 15 June 2012

The story of Mrs "D"

Mrs D and her chicks

Some of the 2day old chicks
A little over 2 years ago, someone dumped some unwanted ducks at The Mere and left them to fend for themselves. Sadly, this happens more often than you would think and ducks kept in sheds do not know what "the great outdoors" is. Lots of them die..but occasionally one or two survive and thrive. Mrs D is one of those and she has succeeded against all the odds.
Not realising that her bright white feathers stand out against the brown & green background, she bravely sets up her nest each year, lays her eggs & dutifully keeps them warm and safe.Tragically, all her eggs mysteriosly disappeared - twice last year and once earlier this year when they were on the point of hatching.
However, the mothering instinct is strong and yesterday she suddenly appeared with a brood of 14 chicks only one day old!
This morning I managed to catch some of them on camera, (although they wouldn't stay still to pose) - so today is a happy day!
UPDATE..17th June...sadly, nature can be the second day, Mrs D was only leading a group of 10 this morning she was down to only 3. Its a difficult start for all ducklings at The Mere..we have so many predators..crows, herons,pike - will all have a tasty duckling snack and then of course, the wet weather will also take its toll. So cross your fingers for the remaining tiny ones.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Falklands

Falklands Flag Flying at The Mere

It was 30 years ago today that the Falklands war ended.
 To those friends who were lost....gone but not forgotten...

Late Layer? Second Brood?

grey heron
I have been told by Herronwatch volunteers that a very unusual occurance has taken place recently.

Whilst they were watching two heron fledglings preparing to leave the safety of a nest, an adult pair arrived, turfed off the fledglings and promptly took over the nest! Very soon an egg was laid (maybe more by now) and the adults are clearly now sitting on eggs that they fully expect to hatch!

By the time the new young herons are ready to fledge, it will be September/October - which will leave very little time for the younster(s) to put on sufficient weight to see them through the winter.

This is highly unusual behavior - none of the Heronwatch volunteers that I have spoken to have heard of heron eggs being laid this they will watch and learn..and keep the British Trust for Ornithology informed of progress.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary Found

Marshland at The Moors
For most people visiting Ellesmere, The Moors is just the name of one of the car parks close to The Mere. Few stop to look over the fence to the marshy land visible beyond...but maybe they should!

Regular work is undertaken to clear the scrub willow & self seeded trees so that the land can stay open to the sun and so reeds, marsh marigold and marsh violet can grow without being shaded out.

I am happy to report that the Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary has been found at the The Moors in the last few days! Er....what? I hear you ask. It is a butterfly that feeds only on the marsh violet - and as the plant gets rarer, so does the one has seen one on the marshland for a very long time.
Thanks to the very hard work of the countryside rangers (themselves an endangered species) and loyal volunteers; they will all be pleased to hear what a wonderful place for wildlife we now have.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Jubilee Party in Ellesmere

The Royal Crown rises over The Mere

Not Completely Blonde

"Prince Harry" fights The Dragon

WOW!!!! Just got back from the Ellesmere Jubilee Party..& what a party!
More than a thousand of us started having a picnic in the park with lots of flags & champagne, leading to great entertainment from local bands (Lakelands School seems to be churning out recording artists!). Following the National Anthem we all looked to The Mere to see the Jubilee beacon being lit on a floating raft. Then a huge flaming crown rising on high, followed by an extravaganza of fireworks over the water....all set to familiar patriotic rousing tunes like Pomp and Circumstance! Wonderful!


Conker Seat
I've already shown you the SHhhhhh sculpture, so thought that it was about time you had a look at some of the others here is one carved out of a piece of Horse Chestnut tree from the park. (It was alredy just a trunk without branches, and rapidly dying.)
The carving was done mainly by chainsaw and is representative of a conker coming out of it's spiky shell. If you are supple enough, you could climb up and sit on the conker, resting your back against the shell...try it!