Friday, 14 December 2012

Merecat's Facebook page

In an attempt to keep up with the 21st Century, I have set up a Facebook page ( as well as keeping this blog going).
For those of you who are on Facebook - look up the page, it is just titled:-

 Mere Journal

I hope that by using facebook, I can have more chats with all of you - so "like" the page and get in contact!
Hope to hear from you soon

Thursday, 13 December 2012

December Dawn

Sunrise over Cremorne

You have to be out early to catch this!

Volunteers make a Difference

Lunch Break
Fighting through the dogwood

Animal habitat made
Sometime one person, sometimes a group - the volunteers have been working hard to revive the water plants that are so important to the wildlife around the mere. When the undergrowth overgrows the mere edge, the shade it produces kills off the water plants. ( reeds, marsh marigold,water iris, etc). It is these plants that feed and shelter so much wildlife - so big thanks to all those people helping with the protection, preservation & regeneration!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Christmas at The Boathouse, Ellesmere

The Boathouse at Christmas

Just spent a pleasant evening putting up the Christmas decorations at The Boathouse. Fresh swags of ivy, interlaced with lovely warm white lights - simple yet stunning.Come along, try the Christmas menu and judge for yourselves.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Ellesmere Christmas Pageant 2012

Jack Frost at the town Christmas Tree
Lanterns  for all ages

Lots of fish lanterns (to celebrate The Mere)
Xmas lights,fireworks, wonderful lantern parade, free wine at the pet shop,food tasting at Vermuleans,street fair,donkey rides,mulled wine,carols, market hall buzzing and Santa exhausted!    A great night Ellesmere!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Goldcrests and Woodpeckers

Spotted this week on Castlefields, Ellesmere - Goldcrests!
I'm told that they are a fairly common bird, but I've not seen any around the park before, so I was delighted on Sunday morning to see two of these gorgeous, tiny creatures happily hopping around in a mass of thin branches.
Also - higher up the same tree - a woodpecker.
When the weather gets colder, I seem to see a wider variety of birds than in the summer - why is that I wonder?

p.s. - I'm not that quick with a camera! Both of these photos, I've pulled off the net - but just being privileged to see them on a shivery morning was wonderful and I wanted to let you know how great the Castlefields area is.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Friends of the Mere Work Party

Just a word of thanks to the guys from the Friends of the Mere and Ellesmere Anglers who have done a great job in opening up the mere edge in several places. Its been hard work ( and still 2 sessions to go!) but the transformation has been amazing!

We have had several people comment on the work being done, some of them have been concerned about the young trees that have been cut down - so I thought I would explain here the reasons behind the work.
Firstly  (and the main reason) it is to "open up" the areas at the mere edge, that have become overgrown over recent years, resulting in the natural marginal growth (reeds, water lilies, etc) having difficulty in growing because of the shade from these bushes and saplings. The richness and diversity of the wildlife of the mere is to be found mostly in its wetland areas - something we want to keep and encourage. To this end, we having been trying to allow more sunlight to the banks of the mere.
Last spring, a male Reed Warbler was desperately singing to attract a mate - if we can increase the amount and diversity of the water plants, maybe next spring he will find one.
Secondly, opening up the edges of the mere allows people who visit our lovely town to see more of the beauty we have around us - encouraging them to visit again and to have an appreciation of the natural world.

Hopefully, you will agree with me - please feel free to leave a comment!

Monday, 19 November 2012

Autumn Day - Ellesmere

Kicking through the leaves

November Dawn - Ellesmere, Shropshire.

Just before sunrise this morning

Here comes the sun

This is how I start every day - how can I not love my job!!!

Geese at Ellesmere

"Biter" (Yes - he Bites!)
Morning Stretches


George the Chinese Goose & Friends

Sunday, 28 October 2012


 There were so many funghi in the park and gardens this year! The variety was amazing -  I  had a great time crawling around in autumn leaves to take these photos - and there are still many others to see. - so take a walk around The Mere Park & bring your camera.

I'll buy a coffee & cake at The Boathouse for the first person to correctly name all 4 shown here.


Hereford cattle on Castlefields
It's that time of year again - the time when Castlefields car park is closed off and the grassland given over to a herd of cattle.
The grassland  is looked after with a view to preserving and encouraging wild flowers and plants that belong in the local area. (See my June blog Thousand Orchid Meadow).

In order to achieve this, no chemical spraying is allowed. Instead, the grassland is managed by this small herd of pedigree Hereford cattle.
This group are friendly and follow me if I am collecting litter, as the bin bag is similar to the bag held by the farmer when he arrives with a treat of cattle cake!
During the next month or so, if you are walking over any part of Castlefields, possibly following the new extension to the Shropshire way, please keep your dog on a lead  - and watch where you are putting your feet!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

C.R.Y sponsored row

St Mary's taken from just off Moscow Island
Today was a beautiful day - especially for a row around the mere!
 C.R.Y ( Cardiak Risk in the Young) held a sponsored row and coffee morning earlier today, held in memory of local lad Matt Dewhirst.
It was heartening to see so many people turn up to row or just watch from the decking at The Boathouse, whilst eating delicious ( I had 2slices)  home made carrot cake.

my assistant rower  concentrating on the stroke
Of course, yours truly had to join in (grateful thanks to all those who sponsored me). I chose one of the  more sedate, old fashioned rowing boats rather than the speedier canoes and took the chance to take a few snaps. At the end the first leg I was hailed by the safety boat and a ship to  ship transfer of crew was made. I gained a beautiful assisitant who had never rowed before. Chloe gamely set about learning whilst I gave unhelpful comments!
Safety Boat crew giving encouragement

Saturday, 15 September 2012



Some of the volunteers in action

Over the last few months I have been lucky enough to have the assistance of a group of volunteers who are taking their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. They have to do community work towards acheiving their awards and this group are all "outdoors" types  - just what I needed in the park.

Today, they cut a box hedge, trimmed the lavender back for winter and then set about removing some self seeded trees that were preventing the reed beds from growing.  Their enthusiasm and cheerfulness are amazing!
Thanks to a great bunch of young men!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

New Gates


Thanks are once again due to the Friends of the Mere group (one person in particular) for arranging for the replacement of the gates to the Penley woods part of the Mere Park. They look wonderful!

Sunday, 9 September 2012

The Boathouse Restaurant
 Many people are coming to The Mere for the first time having been lured by the growing reputation of the Boathouse Restaurant. It is now so popular that they have started their own facebook page.

For those of you who would like to keep up to date with their menu or special events - look them up on facebook under "The Boathouse Ellesmere".

Ellesmere Boat Festival

Decorated Boats along the Towpath
This weekend has seen the annual gathering of canal boats for the Ellesmere Boat Festival. The sunshine brought out a lot of people to enjoy the sight of a host of decorated boats, with this years theme being appropriately " Royalty". This couple spent the afternoon wearing masks of our Queen and Prince Phillip.

Mobile Cafe - what a great idea!
In the main Festival field, Scruffy & I sat happily on the grass being entertained by "Keepers Lock" with their renditions of traditional barging songs. The lady had the voice of a young Mary Hopkin - ah yes, those were the days.

The motor may be old - but runs as smooth as silk!

Friday, 7 September 2012