Sunday, 28 October 2012


Hereford cattle on Castlefields
It's that time of year again - the time when Castlefields car park is closed off and the grassland given over to a herd of cattle.
The grassland  is looked after with a view to preserving and encouraging wild flowers and plants that belong in the local area. (See my June blog Thousand Orchid Meadow).

In order to achieve this, no chemical spraying is allowed. Instead, the grassland is managed by this small herd of pedigree Hereford cattle.
This group are friendly and follow me if I am collecting litter, as the bin bag is similar to the bag held by the farmer when he arrives with a treat of cattle cake!
During the next month or so, if you are walking over any part of Castlefields, possibly following the new extension to the Shropshire way, please keep your dog on a lead  - and watch where you are putting your feet!

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